5 Best Ways to Get Kids Active in Applecross

Applecross is home to various sports centers, clubs, and organizations that help kids get active and have fun while learning the fundamentals of keeping a healthy lifestyle. Here’s a good selection of activities around Applecross for kids to try.


Gymnastics programs are an excellent way for growing children to develop their strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning. 

Applecross offers gymnastics classes at the Contemporary Gymnastics Academy where kids are trained by qualified coaches and not only get the opportunity to form a lifelong involvement with the sport of gymnastics, but also have the chance to compete in state, national and international competitions. 


Basketball is a great sport for kids to acquire basic coordination and teamwork skills while also making new friends. Introducing children to the fundamentals of basketball at an early age not only encourages physical activity but also lays the groundwork for keeping active later in life.

At Applecross, kids of different age groups can join the Perth Basketball Association Inc. to experience a holistic learning environment where they can enjoy both the fun and competitive sides of basketball. 


Dancing is a great form of exercise that can help kids have fun while increasing their stamina, range of motion, flexibility, and physical strength. Like most sports, letting kids take dancing classes from an early age also helps encourage them to stay active as they grow.

Kids can take jazz, tap, acro classes at the Starla Rose Institute of Dance on Wednesday and Thursdays when they are available at Applecross. Ballet and contemporary dance classes are also offered by Dance Creations to children aged 5 to 19 years old. 


Swimming is an excellent activity to help children develop  proper balance and posture, as well as their strength, flexibility, and stamina as it keeps their heart and lungs healthy. Kids can also have fun while learning about water safety and help them develop social abilities and self-confidence.

There are various swimming and water sporting facilities available around the Applecross area. Waterwise Swim School, Perth and AQUANAT both offer early-aquatic education and swimming lessons for newborns, young children, and adults. 

Martial Arts

Martial arts are a great way for kids to develop their speed, strength, stamina, coordination, confidence, and self-discipline, much like other sports. Activities like this especially benefit children who have motor skill issues. Apart from physical well-being, children also learn about the influence of the mind over the body.

At Applecross, kids can take Karate lessons at the Yoseikan-Ryu Karate - Melville Recreation Centre every Tuesday and Friday. About 10 km from Applecross, kids can also enroll in Tae Kwon Do lessons at First Tae Kwon Do Nedlands every Saturday. 


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